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Overall, we have reviewed the barbaric history that we should take an additional step in eliminating.  One that we no longer represent and which rightfully belongs in our past.  We have looked over the cause for the elimination of corporal punishment against the grown and capable adult counterparts as the very reasons to eradicate such from our children's lives.

We have delved into the overwhelming amount of damages that plague not only our people, but our society as a whole.  Damages that no one should have the right to incite into an unwilling participant, no matter their age.  We ask them to live with this, and we ask that they assume responsibility for them as well.  Simultaneously, we deny them venues to express and heal from it.

We examined the legal exoneration of corporal punishment.  The standards we fail to uphold and the most deserving citizens we refuse to offer their deserving equal and additional protection to. 

We explored the most commonly cited myths, anecdotes, and old wives tales that rule our practices.  With the elimination of such a behavior, we would promote education in our communities and healthier living.

We discussed the theological argument, most commonly denoted in the preservation of our actions, as holding the least amount of weight on the topic.

We took a microscope to the reality of our nation and the damage that the presence of force has done to us as a whole.

We know now that it is not effective, creates more problems than it solves, and violates the human rights of children, even if they are brainwashed by society into believing that they deserved such maltreatment.

People are not evil.  They are misguided.  Our parents, and possibly you, have previously misunderstood the stigmas associated with this old-as-dirt activity.  Now that we know better, we can do better.

It is time to begin fixing every problem plaguing our nation.  It begins with the elimination and education on something as commonplace as a well timed smack on the rear.

Children are not deserving of this act, more fitting for a family pet.  Children were not put on this Earth to be obedient to you.  They did not ask to be here.  It is your job to be here for them.  To nurture and guide to the best of your nature, for the best of theirs.  They are not made respectful by it, nor are you automatically deserving of respect.  Slaves do not admire their masters, dogs do not admire their owners.  Children are no longer running our farms and working steady jobs.  They are not being expected by society to mature too quickly, but they are being forced to.  Children and their private parts are not our property and it is time the law reflected this.

The impacts of this kind of discipline are evident in everyone raised with it.  Who would you have been without it?  Not worse.  That we can say for sure.  
The intelligent, creative, rich, healthy and compassionate fruits of this effort will thrive.

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